Stat5703 Lec10: Time Series
Go beyond the i.i.d. setting by allowing for temporal dependence. I We will consider continuous random variables evolving in time.
- Compared with regression?
- If regression, errors are i.i.d, and thus for each point the observed should be equally likely to be higher or lower than the line.
Measures of dependence
- Mean function
- If $n$ observations, $n$ possible values of $\mu$ (impossible to estimate)
- That’s why we need stationary assumption to model it.
- Auto covariance function $\gamma(s,t)$
- How correlated is it for the same R.V. between back in the past and forward in the future.
- Second-order: about the first 2 moments
- $E[Y_t]=\mu$ means are the same
- $cor(Y_s,Y_{s+t})=\gamma_t$ only depends on the range of interval
- $var(Y_s)$ are all the same
- partial autocorrelation :question:
- $\hat{\gamma}t=\frac{1}{n}\sum_i (Y_i - \bar{Y})(Y{t+i}-\bar{Y})$
$\hat{\gamma}’_t=cov(Y_0,Y_t Y_1,…,Y_{t-1})$ -
Assuming Normal, we have $Y_A Y_B\sim N(\mu_{A B},\Sigma_{A B})$ - When we estimate it, larger the lag $t$ is, the smaller sample size $n$ is.
- :bulb: note the ACF graph & partial ACF ones.
- Both $\sim N(0,n^{-1})$ if it’s white noise.
White noise
:question: Can we have an example which is independent but conditionally dependent?
How to pick the right model?
- You can’t just spot the pattern from the plot.
Model: Auto-Regression
$Y_t$ is stationary <=> $ \alpha <1$ :grey_question: - $E[Y_t]=\mu, var(Y_t)=\rho_0$
- AR(1): $\rho’_1=\alpha; \rho’_t=0(t>1)$
- Comparison
- When expanding to infinity, we get rid of dependence on $Y_t$, but a linear combination of white noise at different $t$.
Freezing $Y_{t-1}$, then $Y_t T_{t-1}\sim N(\alpha Y_{t-1},1)$.
Model: Moving Average
- $E[Y_t] = \mu;\ \rho_t=0\ (t>q)$
Model: ARMA
- ARMA(p,q): Linear combination of white noise.
- Can ARMA model be rewritten as a MA of infinite order as we saw for AR models? Yes.
- Both AR and MA are linear processes .
Practice in computer
- Specifying p, q, software optimizing $\alpha_i, \beta_i$…
Trend removal
- ARIMA(p,d,q): integrated autoregressive moving average
- d-fold differencing can be shown to remove a polynomial trend of order $d$.
- :question: $\tau_1$ a white noise?
Volatility Model: ARCH
- Autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic: capturing clustering behavior
- A big shake following another one. (as in financial market)
How to choose a model?
- Remove trend & seasonality
- Look at sample partial ACF and more
- Check whether after fitting the residual fit white noise.