Lec08: Data Mining
Data Mining Tasks
- Association rules
- Time-series analysis
- …
Association rules
(Shopping cart example.)
- Different from “function dependency” in database?
- FD: SSN -> name (one with the same SSN must have the same name.)
- Rules: {pen} -> {ink}
Finding Association Rules
- Support for a set of items: % of transactions containing $LHS\cup RHS$
- Statistical significance
- Confidence for a rule: % of tx containing LHS that also contain RHS
- “Strength” of association
- “confidence” threshold usually higher than “support” threshold.
pen, ink, diary, soap
pen, ink, diary
pen, diary
pen, ink, soap
$conf([pen, ink]\rightarrow[soap])=67\%$ and $supp([pen,ink,soap]) =50\%$
Brute force
- List all possible rules (an exponential number)
- Scan table and compute support & confi`dence for each rule
- Return rules with both $\geq$ threshold
Observations for improvement?
- Find all “large” (or “frequent”) item sets together with their support.
- Derive all association rules with sufficient confidence from each large itemset.
Key Property of Frequent Itemsets
:grey_question: Every subset of a large (frequent) itemset is also large (frequent).
we should make sup(LHS) as a subroutine of solving sup(LHS & RHS) ?
- $sup(LHS) \geq sup(LHS\cup RHS)$
Time complexity?
Priori algorithm: many scans but in each scan we calculate much less.
- $k+1$ scans of data table, $k:#items$.
- Within each scan, :question:
2020-3-31 15:45:08