Knowledge Discovery in Databases

Posted by Jianing on March 31, 2020

Lec08: Data Mining

Data Mining Tasks

  • Association rules
  • Time-series analysis

Association rules

{LHS}->{RHS} (Shopping cart example.)

  • Different from “function dependency” in database?
    • FD: SSN -> name (one with the same SSN must have the same name.)
    • Rules: {pen} -> {ink}

Finding Association Rules

  • Support for a set of items: % of transactions containing $LHS\cup RHS$
    • Statistical significance
  • Confidence for a rule: % of tx containing LHS that also contain RHS
    • “Strength” of association
    • “confidence” threshold usually higher than “support” threshold.
pen, ink, diary, soap
pen, ink, diary
pen, diary
pen, ink, soap

$conf([pen, ink]\rightarrow[soap])=67\%$ and $supp([pen,ink,soap]) =50\%$


Brute force

  1. List all possible rules (an exponential number)
  2. Scan table and compute support & confi`dence for each rule
  3. Return rules with both $\geq$ threshold

Observations for improvement?

  1. Find all “large” (or “frequent”) item sets together with their support.
  2. Derive all association rules with sufficient confidence from each large itemset.


Key Property of Frequent Itemsets

:grey_question: Every subset of a large (frequent) itemset is also large (frequent).​

we should make sup(LHS) as a subroutine of solving sup(LHS & RHS) ?

  • $sup(LHS) \geq sup(LHS\cup RHS)$

Time complexity?

Priori algorithm: many scans but in each scan we calculate much less.

  • $k+1$ scans of data table, $k:#items$.
  • Within each scan, :question:

2020-3-31 15:45:08